For self-published fiction authors

Build a Thriving and Sustainable Six-Figure Author Business Using My 60 Minute Author Marketing Ecosystem  

Implement proven, actionable, high-impact strategies to sell more books, streamline your author business, and achieve long-term profitability. All within just 60 minutes per day.


You'll receive access to the full video course on Friday, October 4th 2024


33% of Self-Published Authors Make Less Than $500 Per Year From Their Books


So how do 67% of authors earn more than $500 per year? How are authors earning more than $500 in a single day? How do six and seven-figure authors earn as much as they do?

The evidence is out there that it's possible to earn a living from your books, but perhaps you feel you could never achieve this level of income because:

  • Your book sales are inconsistent
  • Your monthly royalties are so low you're not even covering your expenses
  • You're struggling to build an engaged audience
  • You find it challenging to price your books for maximum sales and profit
  • You struggle to gather reviews and ratings for your books
  • Your book launches and promotions flop every time
  • You don't know how to market and advertise your books strategically
  • You spend so much time writing you never get around to the marketing
  • You spend so much time marketing but you're seeing little to no results
  • You're burned out and your personal life is suffering because of your writing

Trust me, my wife Lori (an author of fantasy novels) and I have experienced every single one of these scenarios above.

But since we've dialled in the business side of Lori's author business, her books now earn six figures per year. 

And it takes no more than 60 minutes per day to run her business.

How We Went From $133 Per Month To $10,000+ Per Month In Royalties (With 6 Books)


When I first started marketing my wife’s books, I was overwhelmed, without a shadow of a doubt, having to learn EVERYTHING:

  • Advertising
  • Formatting
  • Blurbs/Book Descriptions
  • Book Covers
  • Launches
  • Promos
  • Building an Audience
  • The list goes on…

And I spent WAY too much time on the marketing stuff; trying to be everywhere.

And guess what?

It didn’t work.

There’s a LOT of stuff you could be doing to sell books (Facebook Ads, Amazon Ads, BookBub Ads, Promo Sites, Influencer marketing, podcasts, giveaways, etc), but ultimately, only 20% of what you do will drive 80% (or more) of your results.

Finding that 20% and doubling down on it is when the tides turn and you go from struggling to gain any momentum and getting disheartened with your results to:

  • Profitably selling books
  • Reaching more readers
  • Building your email list
  • Growing your audience
  • Hitting bestseller lists
  • Fulfilling your dream as a self-published author

And ultimately, enjoying your time writing, marketing, taking guilt-free time off, and spending time with your family, because everything is working in harmony together and you have a proven ecosystem in place, working for you 24/7.

For me, it was only when I cut everything back to what was actually working (i.e. what was driving book sales), that things really started to take off.

I don't share these figures to brag. I share them to show you what is possible when you focus on what moves the needle for your business. 

You don't need to be everywhere and do all the things.

That approach spreads your time, money and energy way too thin. 

My mantra is less is more.

Lori writes one book per year. She writes for 3-4 hours per day, 4-5 days per week and enjoys life to the full, spends quality time with our kids and me, and doesn't get burned out by working every hour of the day, churning out books like they're going out of fashion.

Provided you write QUALITY books and package them appropriately (professional book covers, enticing blurb, etc), publishing one book per year is more than enough for a six-figure income.

Hi, I'm Matt Holmes

I've been behind the scenes of my wife's six-figure author business since 2020. 

I spend no more than 60 minutes per day on Lori's business because I know exactly where to focus. I know where I need to spend my time and no longer waste time on tasks that don't move the needle in her business.

We live in the British countryside and spend precious time with our 3 children every single day.

I just want to show you what’s possible when you put your mind to something, follow your dreams, and commit.


Less Is Always More 


When we first published Lori’s books back in April 2020, we had no idea that a six figure author business was even possible.

This belief was reinforced with all the talk online about rapid release, having to write 10-20+ books to even make a slither of an income as a self-published author.

I was running my own business at the time (a video production company) that had just crashed and burned due to the Coronavirus pandemic that shook the world.

So, we had very little income aside from savings in the personal and business bank accounts and the Covid-19 furlough money from the UK Government.

Yes, I had a lot of time on my hands, but funds were tight.

On top of this, Lori was due to be giving birth to our twins in June 2020 (2 months after we launched her first book).

At first, with all this time on my hands, I was doing anything and everything, spending 6-8+ hours per day “marketing”, that, yes, got us some traction, but not enough, by any means.

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) was something I was experiencing a LOT.

It made sense to me (at the time) that spreading Lori’s books everywhere was better than just focusing on a handful of tactics.

How wrong I was…

I was spreading my energy, my time and our severely limited budget way too thin.

When the twins arrived though, time was in short supply and I wanted to be there as a father, spend precious, quality time with them each day and support Lori in any way I could.

I knew something had to change.

And that’s when I took a step back and re-assessed what I was doing. I looked at where my priorities should be when it came to marketing Lori’s books.

Fast-forward to today, (we now have 3 children) and I spend 30-60 minutes per day working on ONLY the needle-moving marketing activities for Lori’s books.

This allows me to spend time with my family each day and help other authors, just like you, achieve their dreams of becoming a full-time author.

And I want to help YOU implement my 60 Minute Author Marketing Ecosystem into your business that works on your terms and fits in with your lifestyle, schedule and priorities.


Focused Work vs Distracted Work


Marketing is made out to be this big complicated thing for authors.

It’s not.

Boil it down to its core fundamentals that work for YOU and leave the rest alone.

This is what I call…

The 60 Minute Author Marketing Ecosystem

It’s all about finding the 20% of marketing activities that are driving 80% (or more) of your results and working on those highest-leverage activities for just 30-60 minutes each day.

This is what I’ll be sharing with you inside 60 Minute Author.


I’ll typically spend 3-5 hours per week on focused marketing work, sometimes less.

Here’s what I typically do on a weekly basis:

  • Optimize, test and scale Amazon Ads
  • Optimize, test and scale Facebook Ads
  • Track the performance of all marketing activities
  • Work on email marketing funnels and automations
  • Test different landing page designs and layouts

On top of this, once a month or so, I will:

  • Map out future promotions or launches
  • Test different book descriptions
  • Review and test new email marketing strategies to improve performance
  • Look at new ways to reach more readers
  • Explore other avenues for expanding the reach of Lori's books

And that’s really all there is to it.

With the right systems in place, you too could have your highest-leverage marketing done in 30-60 minutes per day.

To break this down even further and make it a little less overwhelming, I’ve discovered there are just 2 pillars to Author Marketing:

  • Traffic
  • Offers

Yes, you need a strategy to hit these pillars and know where you’re going, but you also need to engage the appropriate tactics to act on that strategy and fulfil your vision. You don’t need to do it all and be everywhere.

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” - Sun Tzu

The 60 Minute Author Marketing Ecosystem will help you with all of this.

Clearly, your weeks will look different to mine, but ultimately, you’ll find the 20% of marketing activities that are driving the most results for you and focus your marketing time on those and nothing else.

No distractions

No shiny objects

Just ONE 30-60 minute focused session every single day with a clear plan of action of what you need to do that will give you the most leverage from your time and/or money.

The 60 Minute Author Marketing Ecosystem is how you achieve more in 30-60 minutes of intentional, focused work, than you could in a week of unintentional, distracted work.


Introducing 60 Minute Author


60 Minute Author is a self-paced video courseoffering a practical approach to marketing your books in just 30-60 minutes per day. 

Whether you have brand new books you want to get into the hands of readers, or a backlist of books you're ready to bring life back to and rejuvenate, the 60 Minute Author Marketing Ecosystem can help.

Most authors shy away from marketing; it’s time to embrace it.

But, instead of checking your emails, refreshing your KDP dashboard every 10 minutes, or posting 12 times a day on 23 different social media platforms, wouldn’t you rather be:

  • Implementing a proven marketing system, tailored around your books, lifestyle, and schedule
  • Selling books day in, day out, at a rate you never dreamt was possible
  • Building your audience and email list all day, every day

It’s the full end-to-end system and framework I've used to build my wife's six figure author business.

Over the course of 7 actionable modules, here's what we'll achieve together when you enrol in 60 Minute Author:


Module 1

Your Book Sells Your Book

Without a GREAT book and a compelling book product page, none of your marketing or advertising efforts will pay off.

This is why I've dedicated a whole module of the course to the packaging of your book and making your book irresistible to the right readers. 


Module 2

Marketing and Advertising

With your book product page optimized and ready to receive LOTS of traffic, it's time to start marketing and advertising. 

But where do you start? Which channels do you focus on? What will work for your books? That's what this entire module is all about.


Module 3

Building An Audience of Loyal Readers

Your books are your biggest asset as an author. Your audience is your second biggest asset. But how do you build an audience? 

Not just any audience, but an audience of loyal readers who love every word you write and buy every book you release? That's what we're covering in this module.


Module 4

Diversifying Your Revenue Streams

It's one thing to make your books available in the Kindle format. But what about all the other formats your books could be in?

Some readers don't like reading books on a Kindle. Some readers don't like reading at all. How do you cater to these people? 

And what other revenue streams could a single book generate for you? We'll dive deep into this very topic in this module. 


Module 5

Planning Your Book Launches

A successful launch isn't the be all and end all, but it's always a good idea to have a clear and defined launch plan, whether you want to make a BIG SPLASH or have a modest launch. 

In this module, I'll share with you a variety of different launch strategies as well as what has and is working well for us.


Module 6

Planning Your Book Promotions

Running a promotion on your books isn't a mandatory requirement, but it can certainly help bring a bunch of new readers into your world and allow new audiences to experience what your books have to offer.

In this module, I'll share several different book promotion strategies that we've used personally, and help you plan your own successful book promotion.


Module 7

Bringing It All Together

In this final chapter, I'll walk you through creating your own 60-Minute Blueprint, maximizing every minute you spend on your business, and even providing you with specific tasks to work on based on where you are in your author journey.

I'll also share "a week in the life" of what I do in a typical week when working on my wife's author business. This is a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to build a thriving author business in one hour per day.


Plus, Enjoy 6 Exclusive Bonuses

I'm also including a few additional bonuses to help you on your author journey:



Our Author Toolstack

$25 - Yours For $0

There are a LOT of tools out there for authors; it can be completely and utterly overwhelming to choose which ones are right for you.

Inside this bonus resource, I'll share the EXACT tools we use to run Lori's six-figure author business.


Our Email Marketing Swipe File

$95 - Yours For $0

Email plays a MAJOR role in your author business. 

But what should you include in your emails? How do you sell books through your emails without sounding salesy or slimy?

In this bonus resource, I share every single email we are currently using in Lori's author business.

From autoresponders and newsletters, to book launches and book promotions, you'll receive the exact emails we send that are responsible for driving a LOT of book sales. 


Our Financial Tracking Sheet

$95 - Yours For $0

Knowing the numbers of your author business is critical to your success as an author. 

Burying your head in the sand when it comes to the financial side of things is a recipe for failure. 

But numbers doesn't have to time-consuming, scary or overwhelming. 

Inside this bonus resource, I'm sharing our own financial tracking sheet that we use each and every month, which allows to keep a finger on the pulse of how profitable our author business is.


Book Promotion Calendar

$95 - Yours For $0

If you're running a few promotions throughout the year, and have multiple Kindle Monthly or Daily Deals across a number of books on your catalog, it can become pretty overwhelming to know what's happening and when.

It can also be hard to plan future promotions and book launches if you don't know what's happening month to month.

This is why I'm sharing our book promotion calendar with you; to help you plan out every promotion you're running and get a clear picture of what's ahead in the coming weeks and months.


Book Launch Planner

$95 - Yours For $0

Book launches can be as simple or as complex as you want them to be. But it always helps to have some sort of plan going into a launch.

Inside this bonus resource, you'll find our book launch planning template that we use to plan every detail of our book launches.


Book Launch Case Study Planner

$95 - Yours For $0

It's all well and good to have templates for planning your launches and promos, but I thought it would be even more valuable to provide you with a "real-life" case study of a book launch we ran for my wife's books.

Inside this exclusive bonus, you'll see exactly how much we spent on this launch, where we spent it, the number of books sold and pages read, royalties, and more. It's a behind-the- scenes look at how we run a book launch.


A+ Content Build Walkthrough

$95 - Yours For $0

Every single author should take advantage of A+ Content on Amazon; it helps build brand awareness, takes up more real estate on your book product pages and helps readers understand more about your book, your characters, and even you as the author.

A+ Content is something we cover in 60 Minute Author, but in this bonus, I'll get my hands dirty and show you how I like to build out A+ Content on an Amazon book product page, step-by-step.


How Does The Pre-Order Work?



As I'm sure you've guessed by now, this course isn't yet available.

Instead, I'm inviting you to sign-up for the course at the lowest price it will ever be.

As soon as 60 Minute Author is ready, you'll receive access to the full video course.

The date I'm planning on getting this course into your hands is Friday, October 4th 2024 (but it may be earlier than that).

On top of this...

You'll receive access to the curriculum I'm planning as soon as you sign up and have the opportunity to provide feedback on what you would like to see inside this course that would be most beneficial to you.

Is This Course Right For You?



Before I waste any more of your time, let’s see if you should continue reading and whether 60 Minute Author is something that can help YOU.

If you do not relate with at least one of the below, this course may not be for you: 

  • You're a brand new author yet to publish your first book and want to know how to get everything in place before you launch
  • You have already published 1 or more books but have no clear direction or strategy, or are just spinning your wheels, are overwhelmed or just don’t know where to spend your time (paralysis by analysis)
  • You're already seeing some success with your books, but have no strategy and feel like you are WINGING IT, throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks
  • You are ready to start taking your career as a self-published author seriously and begin working towards earning a full-time income from your writing, but you just don’t know how to do it strategically
  • On reflection, you know you are spending too much time marketing, spinning your wheels, with little to show for it
  • You know deep down that you aren’t spending enough (or any) time marketing, because you are completely overwhelmed and don’t know where to start

If any of these resonate with you, 60 Minute Author can help.

Ultimately, if marketing is never done, your books will never sell. 


Your Invitation


If someone had told me what I know now about what it really takes to build a six-figure author business, I'd have gladly paid $1,000+ because it would have saved me 1,000's of hours working on tasks that didn't move the needle.

Inside 60 Minute Author, I'll show you how to identify the needle movers in your business and how to focus on the 20% of marketing activities that drive 80% of your royalties.

But what I share with you isn't going to cost you $1,000+ because my mission with everything I do is to help as many authors as I possibly can.

I've seen first-hand the impact of spending 1 focused hour per day on marketing work compared to 4-6+ hours of distracted marketing work.

You can achieve more in ONE hour than you can in FOUR+ hours (if you know where to focus).

That's what this course is all about. 

So, if you're interested in streamlining your author business, working less and achieving more, I made 60 Minute Author for you.


$150 $75

Full Video Course (Released October 4th)

Lifetime Access

Lifetime Updates

BONUS: Our Author Toolstack

BONUS: Our Email Marketing Swipe File

BONUS: Our Financial Tracking Tool

BONUS: Book Promotion Calendar

BONUS: Book Launch Planner


What Happens Next?

The buttons above take you to a checkout page. Once you've completed your details you'll receive your login details to access your members area and on Friday, October 4th 2024, you'll receive access to the full video course of 60 Minute Author.


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