Discover My Author Promo Blueprint That Drove $2,738 In Royalties In 7 Days

ONE 7-day promotion resulted in 2,133 book sales, 233,036 page reads and an Amazon Bestseller Rank of 64 in the Kindle Store.

Learn exactly how I did it in this behind-the-scenes mini-course and implement what I share into your next book promotion.


Book promotions shouldn’t be a nerve-wracking, budget-draining guessing game.

Yet, if you’re like most authors (including myself and my wife, Lori, a fantasy author) you’ve experienced the frustration of sinking money into promotions that just don't pay off.

But what if there was a clear, proven strategy to make promotions not only profitable but also quick and painless to set up and run?

Author Promo Blueprint takes you behind the scenes of a real promotion strategy in action, that flips the script on stressful, costly promotions.

I’ll share my step-by-step book promotion blueprint that:

→ Requires only 20 minutes per day to run

→ Attracts thousands of new readers who keep coming back

→ Shoots your book’s rank into the Amazon Bestseller lists

Join me as I share my screen and dive into the daily results, optimizations, scaling, and decisions behind every step of my promotion strategy.

No guesswork—just the insights and direction to launch and manage your promotions.

I've spent $100,000's advertising books since 2020. I've also run many promotions not only for my wife's books but for other authors in a variety of genres.

I've made every mistake in the book (no pun intended), so you don't have to.

Author Promo Blueprint boils all of my learnings and insights around running book promotions into one easily digestible and actionable mini-course.

Here's What's Inside

Over the course of 9 lessons, you'll discover:

Our Book Promotion Strategy, Day-by-Day Results and Daily Action Steps

How We Structure Facebook Ads For Book Promotions

My Daily Facebook Ads Optimization and Scaling Strategy

Promo Tracker Tool For Tracking Your Own Book Promotions Day-by-Day

Swipe File of Our Exact Facebook Ads (Images and Text) For This Promotion


Take Control of Your Book Promotions


One Time Payment

→ Our Book Promotion Strategy

→ Facebook Ads Structure For Promotions

→ Daily Facebook Ads Optimization Strategy

→ Daily Facebook Ads Scaling Strategy

→ Promo Tracking Tool

→ Our Exact Facebook Ads For This Promotion

→ Lifetime Access and Future Updates


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