Hi, I'm Matt

I’ve been in the publishing world since 2016, when my wife, Lori, published her first book.

We tried (and failed) to market that book ourselves, so went down the traditionally published route instead.

We found a publisher who loved Lori’s book and her plans for the rest of the series.

After multiple back and forth emails, calls, etc, we signed the contract (very exciting).

6 months went by of consistent communication, editing, proofreading, branding, etc, when, out of the blue, the publisher pulled out of the contract.

So, we were left with no publisher and had a decision to make…

Option #1: Find another publisher

Option #2: Self-Publish Lori’s books

After a lot of conversations, research, etc, we landed on option 2 and haven’t looked back since.

At the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 epidemic hit the UK (where I live with my family) and destroyed my video marketing business, which I’d spent 10 years building.

During this time, Lori completely re-wrote that first book, we re-grouped, re-branded and re-launched on April 19th 2020 (Lori was officially a self-published author).

Lori has now completed her first 4 book series (plus 1 companion novel), as well as Book 1 of a new, related series, and is currently writing Book 2 of this new series.

Together, we’ve taken Lori’s books from earning $133 in her first month (April 2020), to over $17,000 per month, and a 2-3x return on investment (with Amazon Royalties, Audiobook Sales, and sales to libraries and bookstores).

Predominantly, Facebook Ads have been responsible for our success ("success" is subjective, I know, but for us, earning 5 figures per month was unfathomable back in 2020).

I tell you all this to show what is possible for YOU. To plant a seed of awareness in your head and to the possibilities open to you.

Today, I continue to market and advertise Lori’s books, and work behind-the-scenes on her author business.

I also help other self-published authors bring their work into the world through predominantly advertising, but also share our insights and learnings on building a six-figure author business.

I do this through my weekly newsletter and self-paced online courses.

My focus now in everything I share is “How can I help authors reach more readers, sell more books, and build a thriving, but sustainable author business that allows them to live life on their terms?”

This is my North Star and why I do what I do each day.

On a personal note, Lori and me live in the beautiful British countryside, with our 3 children and 2 dogs (it’s a busy house). 


And when I’m not working, you can find me in the gym, walking the dogs, cycling, spending time with my family; we especially love exploring the UK in our caravan.