For self-published fiction authors selling exclusively on Amazon or on other retailers

Sell 50-100+ Books and 50,000+ Page Reads Per Day With Facebook Ads

Even if you've never run Ads before... 


Frustrated With Facebook Ads?

Are you spending more than 1-2 hours per week on your Facebook Ads (previously known as Facebook Ads)? Disappointed with launching ad after ad that does nothing for your book sales?

Fed up (and scared) of spending your hard-earned money on Facebook Ads with nothing to show for it?

I get it. I've been there. 

Today, I use Facebook Ads to (very profitably) advertise my wife's books and generate six figures in annual royalties from her 6 books, yes, 6 books, not 60 books.

What would you say if I could show you a better way to run Facebook Ads as a self-published author?



Learn how to analyze your Facebook Ads, know which metrics to pay attention to and understand how to optimize and scale your Ads.



Say goodbye to losing money hand over fist day in, day out. Before long, you'll be earning a 2x - 3x (or more) return on your investment. 


The Facebook Ads system I'll share with you takes no more than 1-2 hours per week, meaning more writing time and spending time with family.


A Few Words From Authors I've Helped With Their Facebook Ads


Introducing Facebook Ads Mastery For Authors

How We Went From $133 to $10,000+ Per Month In Royalties

After watching this 4-hour video course, you'll understand exactly how to increase your book sales to a place where you can comfortably and sustainably become a full-time self-published author.


I’ve structured this course for busy authors meaning it's fluff-free, highly actionable and follows a simple system to get your Facebook Ads launched, optimized and scaled as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

I'm not going to bombard you with 20-30 hours of content either.

You can watch the entire course in less than 4 hours. 

It's a simple strategy that takes just 1-2 hours per week to implement leaving you more time to write. 

How do I know this? 

I'm using this exact strategy myself...


As Are 1,500+ Self-Published Authors

Hi, I'm Matt Holmes

I've been advertising my wife's books with Facebook Ads since 2020 and built a six-figure author business as a direct result of these Ads.

I spend 1-2 hours per week managing our Facebook Ads and generate 5 figures per month in royalties with a 2-3x return on ad spend.

We live in the British countryside and spend precious time with our 3 children every single day.

I just want to show you what’s possible when you put your mind to something, follow your dreams, and really commit.

What You'll Learn Inside

Facebook Ads Mastery For Authors is designed to take you from a complete beginner to a confident and advanced advertiser selling 50-100+ books per day.

Here's what you'll discover:


The Fundamentals

Get your Ad Account set up, understand which books to advertise (and why) and learn how Facebook Ads really works.

The Strategy

I’ll share my exact Facebook Ads Strategy with you; it’s an entire blueprint you can replicate in your Facebook Ads Account.

Crafting Your Ads

Your Ads are the #1 reason for success or failure. I’ll show you examples of our winning Ads, how I plan Ads, and more.

Launching Your Ads

Watch over my shoulder and follow along as we launch your first (or next) Facebook Ads Campaign together.

Managing Your Ads

Which metrics matter? When do you turn off an Ad? Should you scale? How do you reduce wasted Ad spend? We'll cover it all.

A Few More Words From Authors Using My Facebook Ads Strategy

Enjoy 2 Exclusive Bonuses

I'm also including a few additional bonuses to help you on your Facebook Ads journey:


Peer-To-Peer Facebook Group

$500 - Yours For $0

Included with your investment is access to a private, members-only Facebook Group.

Inside, you'll be able to ask questions, ask for feedback on your Ads, share your own insights, results and experiences, and more. It's a community that is here to help you with your Facebook Ads.

You'll receive an invitation to join the group as soon as you sign up


The Facebook Ads Toolkit For Authors

$300 - Yours For $0

There are many moving parts with Facebook Ads which can cause a lot of overwhelm.

Which is why I created the Facebook Ads Toolkit For Authors.

Inside, are tools to track your ad performance, collect ideas for future ads and much more besides.

This tool is simple to use and helps you make informed decisions.

It's Worked For These Authors Too

Here are just a handful of authors who have experienced business-changing results from taking Facebook Ads Mastery For Authors after implementing what I share inside. 


"I went from very modest sales the first year to well over six figures for the first time ever."

JK Franks, Speculative/Post-Apocalyptic Author (The Catalyst Series)


"In less than a year, I've sold more than 3,000 copies."

D. Liebhart, Contemporary Fiction Author (House on Fire)


"Transformed my business"

Adrian Cousins, Time Travel Author (The Jason Apsley Series)


"Doubling my income"

J.D.L. Rosell, Epic Fantasy Author (Legend of Tal)


"Matt's course is beyond fantastic"

Dharma Kelleher, Crime Thriller Author (Jinx Ballou Bounty Hunter Series)

Your Invitation

If you're looking for a clear, focused, step-by-step roadmap to launching, optimizing and scaling Facebook Ads for your books, this course is for you.


A Single Payment Today

Full Video Course (as detailed above)

BONUS #1: Members-Only Facebook Group
($500 - Yours For $0)

BONUS #2: Facebook Ads Toolkit For Authors
($300 - Yours For $0)



Spread Payments Over 5 Months

Full Video Course (as detailed above)

BONUS #1: Members-Only Facebook Group
($500 - Yours For $0)

BONUS #2: Facebook Ads Toolkit For Authors
($300 - Yours For $0)


You're Still Here...

Looks like you've stuck around to the end of the page.

So, either you're like me and do your due diligence before investing in a course like this, or you're just not sure if this course is for you.

I'm not going to be a pushy salesman here, that’s not my style; you'll know in your gut if this course feels like a smart move, a smart investment in your author business.

If it doesn’t feel like a smart move, if it’s not a “Heck, Yes, I’m in”, perhaps it's just not the right time for you.

And that's ok.

I've invested over $15,000 in coaches, courses and mentors to help me get as far as we have with Lori's Facebook Ads. Not to mention the costly mistakes we've made with the Ads and the rigorous testing I've done over the years.

I'd love the opportunity to help you avoid all these mistakes.

To be perfectly honest, I wish I had this course when we were just getting started running Facebook Ads back in 2020.

So if you do decide to join me, I would truly be honoured.

If not, no worries. Please continue to enjoy my free content.

Thank you so much for reading.

To Your Success


Frequently Asked Questions