Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

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#033: 1 Book. 1 Campaign. 1 Guide

Aug 19, 2023

Read Time: 3.5 Minutes

Today, I'm going to show you how I structure my Facebook Ads Account so that you can implement it yourself – and see better performance as a result.

This is the exact strategy I cover in-depth inside Jumpstart Facebook Ads For Authors.

In a world of information overload, and so many Facebook Ads strategies to choose from that it would take decades to test them all out, I'm going to walk you through possibly the most simple approach to Facebook Ads you've ever come across.

A bold statement. Yes. But here goes...


Step 1: Setup One Campaign

Believe it or not, you don't need oodles of Campaigns and Ad Sets to be successful with Facebook Ads.

In fact, Facebook actually prefers you to have fewer Campaigns and Ad Sets – account simplification is something they reward because it means there is less audience overlap, their algorithm doesn't have to work overtime, and they can deliver better results for you, as an advertiser.

Following my strategy, you'll be doing all your testing and scaling in one single Campaign.

One caveat here...

Use one campaign per country, per book/series.

For example, if you have one series and you're advertising Book 1 of that series in the USA and the UK, you would have 2 Campaigns, as I do with my wife's books:

These 2 campaigns are sending traffic from Facebook Ads to my wife's Book 1 on Amazon. I have separate Campaigns for sending traffic from Facebook Ads to Lori's Book Store.

Step 2: Setup 2 Testing Ad Sets

Inside each Campaign, you'll have 2 Ad Sets that are possibly the most important part of this Facebook Ads strategy – testing your Ad Creative.

Your Ads (which people see on their Facebook Feeds) are the cornerstone of your success with Facebook Ads.

Each week, I set up 2 new Ad Sets, testing Images, Headlines and Primary Text.

I call these Ad Sets DCTs, which stand for Dynamic Creative Tests.

With Dynamic Creative, you simply need to provide Facebook with multiple Images, Headlines and Primary Text, and Facebook will then, on your behalf, test every possible combination of these different assets.

After 7 days, I look at the data Facebook provides me with to tell me which combination of Image, Primary Text and Headline is the winner and I can then confidently scale that winning combination up – providing of course, that that Ad was generating sales and/or borrows.

I'll then turn off these DCTs, and set up 2 more that are testing new ideas with my Ads.

Step 3: Setup 1 Ad Set For Your Winning Ads

Once I find some winning Ads from my DCTs, which doesn't happen every week by any means (a 20% success rate is about average), I'll move them into my Main Ad Set.

This Main Ad Set contains ONLY winning Ads, that have proven themselves as DCTs that perform well (i.e. they sell books at a rate and cost that is sustainable).

I NEVER turn this Ad Set off, as I want my best-performing Ads to be consistently active and delivering.

The only change I make to this Ad Set is adding new (proven) Ads into it and turning off Ads that don't make the cut – which usually happens when a new higher-performing Ad is added to the Ad Set.

Wrapping Up...

And that is my simple Facebook Ads Strategy that has been used by countless authors inside Jumpstart Facebook Ads For Authors, and transformed their results from struggling to make a profit to their best months ever.

As you can see from the screenshot below, inside one Campaign, I have just 3 active Ad Sets at any one time (2 x Ad Sets testing Ad Creative, and 1 Ad Set containing my winning Ads).

As I cover in The Facebook Ads Masterclass For Authors, I use Unrestricted Targeting, meaning that I don't need to test individual audiences, thereby increasing profitability, and allowing me to focus on what truly moves the needle...

Ad Creative

So, if your Facebook Ads results have dropped off a cliff, or are gradually declining, I'd highly encourage you to implement this strategy and put all your focus on simplicity and improving your skills at creating better and better Ads that drive more and more book sales.

No longer will you need to spend hour upon hour every single week sweating over your Facebook Ads.

With a proven system in place that uses Facebook Ads in the way it was engineered to be used, you'll see better results and have more time for writing.

It takes me 60-90 minutes per week to manage the Facebook Ads for my wife's books, which includes creating new Ads.

It's not about the hours you put in that counts. It's what you put into those hours that truly matters.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I'll be back with you again next Saturday.

To Your Success
– Matt



Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

Get immediate access to my FREE Facebook Ads 101 For Authors course when you sign up for my weekly newsletter for self-published fiction authors.