#091: A 17% Conversion Rate?

Feb 01, 2025

 Read Time: 1.5 Minutes


I was recently analyzing our Facebook Ads data and had to do a double-take...

One of our *Retargeting Ads* was converting at just over 17%.

Let me put that in perspective:

Most "cold" Facebook Ads (that are shown to people who have never seen or heard of your books before) convert at 2-3%. A really good ad might hit 3-6%.

But 17%? That's game-changing.

And it makes sense when you think about it.

Retargeting Ads are shown to readers who've already shown interest in your books. In short, a Retargeting Audience (the way I create one) is made up of anyone who:

→ Clicks on any Ad of yours

→ Engages with any Ad of yours (i.e. shares, comments, reactions, etc.)

→ Follows your Facebook Author Page

→ Has seen or engaged with any of your Facebook Page Posts

These are people who are already familiar with your brand and your books; also known as a "warm audience".

Yes, there are different levels of familiarity and awareness in a Retargeting Audience.

For example, someone who saw your Ad 365 days ago and has seen nothing of yours since is a lot less aware of your brand than someone who saw your Ad yesterday and bought your book because of that Ad.

But the numbers don't lie. A Retargeting audience, with the right strategy, can drive a LOT of sales for very little cost.

They just need to see the right message at the right time to take action (i.e. buy or borrow your book). And it's a lot easier to convert someone who is already familiar with your brand than someone who has never seen or heard of it.

Inside the latest update to Facebook Ads Mastery For Authors, I've included a lesson all about Retargeting, inside of which I share:

→ The results of our Retargeting Facebook Ads inside Amazon Attribution

→ The exact Facebook Ad that is converting at 17%

→ How to create your Retargeting Audience

→ Step-by-step instructions on how to launch a Facebook Ads Retargeting Campaign

→ The Campaign structure I use for Facebook Ads Retargeting

Doors are closing on Facebook Ads Mastery For Authors on Tuesday, February 4th, 11.59pm PT.

So, there's still time to check out all the details and see if this sounds like it would be a good fit for you.

>> Facebook Ads Mastery For Authors <<

Thank you so much for reading and have a wonderful weekend.

To Your Success
– Matt

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