Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

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Don't Forget About This

Jan 29, 2024

This week, I'm building the email marketing module of The Direct Sales Blueprint For Authors course (join the waitlist here).

N.B: Even if you're not selling your books direct, I believe you'll still get value out of today's blog. Just saying :)

I know, I know...

Facebook Ads drive traffic to your store.

Facebook Ads drive sales (here's how).

Facebook Ads work.

But here's the thing...

Not everyone is ready to buy today.

Even though we sell products at "impulse purchase" prices.

Money is not all that matters to a reader; Money is one thing, but time is quite another.

How long will your book take to read? 2 hours? 5 hours? 10 hours? More?

There's a time investment involved for readers when they decide to buy a book.

We can always make more money; we can't make more time.

And this is where email comes into play.

Whether you're using email to generate opt-ins on your store or website before someone becomes a paying customer.

Or, you're using email to deliver a reader magnet after someone purchases a book from you.

Or you're using email to do something else on your website or store...

Email allows you the unique opportunity to deepen and further the relationship, and the bond you have with each reader.

They could receive an email from you 1 week, 1 month, 1 year after joining your email list and decide that that is the day to buy your book, because of the bond you've built with them over email.

You have a direct channel of communication to every reader on your list.

That's not to say you should abuse that channel of communication.

It goes without saying that you should treat each subscriber as a real person, not just a number.

The beauty of email is that much of it can be automated, and personalized to each subscriber based on their behavior, meaning every email they receive from you is delivered at the right time for them.

Yes, you need traffic to your store and to your books, which is where Facebook Ads come into play.

But once someone joins your email list (and there are a variety of ways to encourage them to do this aside from "join my newsletter"), email can generate sales for you.

And it can do so without the acquisition costs of paid Ads.

Email can help you sell a truckload of books when you have a new release, or a promotion (without a single dime invested into Ads).

So, although Facebook Ads may sound more fun and exciting, email is something that shouldn't be forgotten.

When selling direct, it can generate anywhere from 10% - 50% of your store revenue.

And if you're selling on Amazon and/or other retailers, email can help you reach bestseller status in a matter of hours.

All that to say, Facebook Ads are incredible at driving visibility of your books and generating sales, but email is how you create lifelong loyal fans of your work, and generate sales as a byproduct.

To Your Success
– Matt



Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

Get immediate access to my FREE Facebook Ads 101 For Authors course when you sign up for my weekly newsletter for self-published fiction authors.