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Facebook Ads Scaling [Simplified]

Apr 13, 2024

Scaling Facebook Ads may sound daunting, but it really doesn't need to be.

First off, there are 2 forms of scaling:

– Vertical Scaling

– Horizontal Scaling

Let's cover both...

Vertical Scaling

This is the simplest form of scaling and involves increasing the budget on good performing Campaigns.

That's it.

This allows Meta to show our Ads to more people because they have more budget to spend.

Horizontal Scaling

Commonly, this form of scaling involves branching out to show your Ads to people in other countries.

But horizontal scaling can also be adding new Ads into your Campaign to reach new audiences (because each Ad creates its own audience).

Let's Focus on Vertical Scaling

Vertical Scaling is the one most authors are familiar with and it's what comes to mind when many of us think of scaling.

If you're running Ads following the strategy I share in Jumpstart Facebook Ads For Authors, you'll know that I use a one-campaign account structure.

I set the budget at the Campaign level and let Meta decide which Ad Sets within that Campaign to spend my budget on.

Increasing budget at the Campaign level (using Advantage Campaign Budget in my case).

That's vertical scaling in a nutshell.

More budget = more reach = more eyeballs on your books

How Often To Scale

There are multiple scaling strategies out there, and it can be pretty overwhelming to know which one is right for you.

The way I scale is to increase budget every 24 hours based on the average of the previous 3 days' performance.

I don't like scaling on the performance of one single day, because there can be far too many variables at play.

So, I prefer to average out performance over the previous 3 days.

For direct sales I measure performance on CPA (Cost Per Acquisition).

For Amazon sales, I use ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) to judge performance.

If performance is above my target (CPA or ROAS) I increase budget by 10% - 20% per day.

If performance is below my target (CPA or ROAS), I decrease budget by 10% - 20% each day.

Simplicity is your friend when it comes to Ads.

Sure, there are many more complex scaling strategies out there, but this is what works for me.

And it's what I share inside Module 5 of Jumpstart Facebook Ads For Authors.

If scaling every day feels too much, scale once or twice per week.

Or simply increase your campaign budget by $1 or $2 per day.

There is no right or wrong way to do scale.

However, I wouldn't recommend increasing (or decreasing) the budget of a Campaign by more than 20% in any 24 hour period as this could "break" your Campaign.

Hope you find this helpful.

To Your Success
– Matt



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