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Generate Sales Automatically, Day and Night

Mar 30, 2024

Email marketing has never been top of our priority list with my wife, Lori's, author business.

Sure, we've had a monthly newsletter and an email automation in place.

But it's never gone further than that.

Until that is, we started direct sales.

We now have several email automation sequences in place that are driving sales for us day and night.

These automation sequences are based on a persons individual behavior on Lori's store, which makes them incredibly powerful.

Here's what we've got in place:

– Abandoned Checkout Sequence

– Browse Abandonment Sequence

– Customer Thank You Sequence

– Review Request Sequence

– Welcome Sequence

We've written these emails once (but keep them updated) and they are sent out automatically to specific people based on their specific behavior.

Currently, these email sequences are responsible for around 12% of Lori's store revenue.

This is on the low end.

It's very possible for email marketing to be responsible for up to 30%, even 50% of your overall store revenue.

And that's what we're working on right now; increasing this percentage.

Inside The Direct Sales Blueprint For Authors course, I've included a whole module on setting up your email marketing, which covers topics such as:

– The different email marketing platforms available

– How to build your email list from scratch

– Our entire email marketing blueprint

– Email layout and design

– Deep dives into every email automation sequence we use

– Examples of every single email we are using with Lori's store

Plus, I've created a bonus mini-course on how to set up and use Klaviyo, the email marketing platform we use for Lori's store.

Email marketing will play a big role in your success with direct sales; it certainly plays a bigger role than we ever thought it would when we first began selling direct.

Once you've got things set up, email will be generating sales for you day in, day out. 

To Your Success
– Matt



Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

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