Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

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Get Out of Meta's Way

Mar 18, 2024

When I first started running Facebook Ads I was creating individual Ads, one at a time.

I was doing all the heavy lifting.

I'd have multiple campaigns and multiple Ad Sets within those campaigns.

It was a hot mess.

Sure, it got results, but it was a real chore to manage.

Some Ad Sets would contain 10-20+ individual Ads, and I'd have to create all of these one at a time, guessing which image worked well with which headline, etc.

Now, things are different.

I use Dynamic Creative to do all the testing for me.

Meta's algorithm does all the mixing and matching of images, headlines and primary text.

Meta's algorithm finds the best combination of image, headline and primary text.

Meta's algorithm automatically allocates more budget to the best-performing combination.

This saves me a huge amount of time each week.

And there's no way I can beat the capabilities of Meta's algorithm and machine learning, so I just get out of its way.

So, if you're still creating Ads in the traditional way (not using Dynamic Creative), I highly recommend you give Dynamic Creative a go.

I'm convinced you won't look back.

Better results and less time in your Ad Account. What's not to like?

Enjoy :)

To Your Success
– Matt



Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

Get immediate access to my FREE Facebook Ads 101 For Authors course when you sign up for my weekly newsletter for self-published fiction authors.