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Is it bad, or does it need a push?

Jan 25, 2024

I launched some new Facebook Ads (DCTs – Dynamic Creative Tests) on Monday for Lori's books, but so far the results have been... terrible.

As I share in Jumpstart Facebook Ads For Authors, I let Facebook decide which DCTs to spend money on.

And these new DCTs have received a grand total of £0.35 ($0.44) between them.

Other DCTs in the Campaign are receiving $60+ per day.

What does this tell me?

The DCTs that aren't receiving any budget are just bad Ads.

That's all it comes down to.

So, what do I do from here?

Option #1: Add a £5 Minimum Spend to the DCT

Option #2: Turn it off

Which one do I choose though?

If I have high confidence in the DCT, I'll choose Option #1 and force some budget into it.

By high confidence, I simply mean it's a DCT that I believe could work, based on all my previous tests and results.

If, after reviewing the content of the DCT I believe it's just a bad Ad, I'll go with Option #2 and turn it off.

Why do I make this decision after just 3 days?

If it's a good Ad, Facebook will, 9 times out 10, start spending on it within 3 days.

If I go with Option #1, and add a Minimum Spend of £5 to the DCT, if, over the next 3-4 days, it only spends the £5 each day (or thereabouts), then it's not a good Ad, and I'll turn it off and move on.

If it spends substantially more than £5 per day (at least 50% of the highest spending DCT in the Campaign) then it has potential and I'll keep it running.

Getting emotionally attached to your Ads can be a dangerous game to play.

The data doesn't lie:

Receives Spend = Good Ad

Doesn't Receive Spend = Bad Ad

That's what it comes down to.

Getting more complicated than that isn't necessary.

Sure, there are a handful of other metrics I look at when I find a DCT that earns spend to assess its performance.

Until then, focus on finding DCTs that earn spend.


To Your Success
– Matt

Launch Your First Facebook Ads Campaign And Start Generating More Book Sales Today

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  • My exact Facebook Ads strategy
  • How I test Facebook Ads using Meta’s AI
  • Step-by-Step Campaign setup walkthrough
  • Example Ads that have generated 1,000’s of books sales