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Primary Text: Long or Short?

Feb 17, 2024

"How long should the Primary Text be on my Facebook Ads?"

This is a question I've received multiple times over the years, so today, I thought I'd share my thoughts and experience on this topic.

And for me, the answer is very simple.

The Primary Text can be as long or as short as it needs to be.

Meta themselves recommend no more than 125 characters.

But I've seen Primary Text work well with 1,500+ characters, just as well as Primary Text with less than 80 characters.

The purpose of the Primary Text is to get the click.

The image or video stops the scroll.

The Headline adds intrigue, curiosity, and convinces people that this Ad is relevant to them.

But the Primary Text is what drives the click.

And sometimes, one single sentence is enough to drive the click.

Other times, readers need more convincing to click on your Ad.

There's no right or wrong with any of this (providing you're not breaking any of Meta's advertising policies, of course).

There's also no one size fits all solution, or go-to recommendation.

Test, test, and test again, and see what works for your book(s):

– A single sentence that ties your book up in a neat little bow

– An excerpt or even a full chapter from your book

– Adding reader reviews

– Removing Reader Reviews

– A call to action at the end

– Starting with dialogue from your book

There are so many different ways to use Primary Text, only testing will let you know what works for your book(s), and what doesn't.

Have a wonderful weekend.

To Your Success
– Matt



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