Launch Your First Facebook Ads Campaign And Start Generating More Book Sales Today

Get immediate access to my FREE Facebook Ads For Authors Masterclass when you sign up for my weekly newsletter for authors, and discover:

  • My exact Facebook Ads strategy
  • How I test Facebook Ads using Meta’s AI
  • Step-by-Step Campaign setup walkthrough
  • Example Ads that have generated 1,000’s of books sales

Taking Away The Emotion From Facebook Ads

Jan 19, 2024

I had a great Q&A Call with a group of wonderful authors last night, who asked some fantastic questions.

Several of the authors on the call are using the strategy I share inside Jumpstart Facebook Ads For Authors, and are seeing incredible results, which is amazing to hear.

One of the questions asked last night was "How do you know if a Facebook Ad is working?"

And for me, the answer to this question is simply:

It earns spend.

With my strategy, I set the daily budget at the Campaign level, using Advantage Campaign Budget, meaning Facebook decide which Ad Sets (which contain the Ads) within the Campaign to spend money on.

If an Ad Set earns money, it's highly likely going to be a good Ad.

Of course, we need to make sure this Ad is converting too, which is why it's important to track the numbers (there's a tool I've built inside the Jumpstart Facebook Ads course that does this for you).

Tracking the numbers (orders, page reads, conversion rate, cost-per-sale, etc) will take the emotion out of your decision-making (a quote from one of the authors on the call last night).

And that's critical.

The last thing you want to do is become attached to an Ad that you think will work, despite the numbers telling you a different story.

If an Ad isn't working (i.e. not earning spend), no worries.

Just turn it off and test something else.

Things really don't need to get any more complicated than that.

Ad earns spend = winner

Ad doesn't earn spend = loser

Take the emotion out of your decision-making, look at the numbers and let those do the decision-making for you.

OK, time to get the kids dressed up warm (as it's -2°C / 28°F here today) and walk the dogs. All being well, we'll be out the door in about 87 minutes (yes, it takes that long to get ready).


To Your Success
– Matt





Launch Your First Facebook Ads Campaign And Start Generating More Book Sales Today

Get immediate access to my FREE Facebook Ads For Authors Masterclass when you sign up for my weekly newsletter for authors, and discover:

  • My exact Facebook Ads strategy
  • How I test Facebook Ads using Meta’s AI
  • Step-by-Step Campaign setup walkthrough
  • Example Ads that have generated 1,000’s of books sales