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The Future of Facebook Ads?

Mar 16, 2024

With Meta automating more and more parts of our Ad Campaigns (targeting, placements, etc.), are the days of doing all of running Ads ourselves numbered?

Well, yes and no.

For a start, I believe that trying to find the ideal Facebook Ads account structure is a waste of time.

I've personally tested almost every account structure under the sun.

And I've found that simplicity wins every time.

Meta is encouraging us to leave the heavy lifting to their algorithm, such as targeting, placements, and budget allocation.

They're instead pushing us to focus on creating better and better Ads; they're even helping us with this too, with their AI suggestions for Primary Text and Headlines.

Mark Zuckerberg himself has also come out and said that they are working on an AI tool to create images directly inside the Ads Manager, which is exciting.

It's been heading this way for a while, even as far back as 2022 moving into 2023, when I started dabbling with Unrestricted Targeting.

So what does this mean for you, as an advertiser?

Well, the way I see it...

It's time to get out of Meta's way and let their algorithm, machine learning and AI do the heavy lifting:

– Finding Your Audience

– Identifying The Best Placements

– Deciding Where To Spend Your Budget

Instead of fretting about the perfect campaign structure, put that energy and focus into crafting better Ads.

That's where you'll see the biggest leverage come from.

You got this.

To Your Success
– Matt



Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

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