You'll know when you've found one
Jan 30, 2024I launched some new Facebook Ads for Lori's books yesterday.
Do I know if they'll work? No, not at all.
Is there a chance they could work? Absolutely.
Because I've run enough Ads over the past (almost) 4 years to know what has a good chance of working, and what won't work.
If you're not a member already, I share everything I know about Facebook Ads and help you avoid all the costly mistakes I've made inside Facebook Ads Mastery For Authors.
Facebook Ads are often seen as a magic bullet.
Something you can turn on and become a bestseller overnight.
That very rarely happens.
The chances of finding a knock it out of the park Ad in your first 7 days, even the first 30 days, of running Facebook Ads is slim.
It's possible, sure.
But you need to put in the reps. You need to hone and refine your marketing chops.
And contrary to popular belief, you don't need 50, 100, 150+ Ads to make Facebook Ads work.
2-3 stellar Ads is all you need.
Once you find an Ad that looks like it has all the hallmarks of a winner, scaling becomes effortless.
Until you reach that point though, your focus should be on testing Ads (with a particular focus on the image/video, as this does 80% of the heavy lifting of an Ad).
It goes without saying that you also need a solid book product page (no amount of advertising is going to sell a book nobody wants to read).
And if Facebook Ads are something you're struggling with, chances are, you just haven't found that winning Ad.
Once you do find it, you'll know.
You got this.
To Your Success
– Matt
7 Days To Book Advertising Success As A Fiction Author
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