Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

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You Only Need One of These

Mar 04, 2024

I've tested many different Facebook Ads strategies over the past 4 years.

Some of them worked, some of them didn't.

Some of them worked exceptionally well for a few days or weeks, then came crashing down.

The strategy I use today, which I've been using since the beginning of 2023, delivers the most profitable and consistent results by far.

But one of the constants I've seen in all these strategies is that one, possibly two Ads will do all the legwork for you (i.e. sell books).

I used to think I'd need 20, 30, 40, 50+ Ads to see any sort of success with Facebook Ads.

But the data doesn't lie.

9 times out of 10, one amazing Ad is more than enough.

The difference though, between my strategy today versus the strategies I've tested in the past, is that Ads today last much, much longer before fatiguing (if at all).

With my old strategies, a good Ad would last a few weeks, a few months, at most. And over that time, performance would gradually decline.

Today, when I find a good Ad, it not only lasts for many months, but performance actually improves over time.

Throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks, which in Ads terms means running 10's, even 100's of Ads at a time, is the wrong way to go about it.

Spend the time understanding your ideal readers, and crafting Ads that speak directly to them.

I spend about 10% of my time in the Facebook Ads dashboard.

The other 90% of my time working on Facebook Ads is spent on research, image creation, and writing hooks, headlines and Ad copy.

My advice...

Strip it all back and focus on what truly moves the needle; building better Ads.

One or two strong Ads per book/series is all you need to scale to $100's per day, even $1,000's per day in profitable Ad Spend.

It's not about doing more, more, more.

It's about doing less, but doing it better.

To Your Success
– Matt



Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

Get immediate access to my FREE Facebook Ads 101 For Authors course when you sign up for my weekly newsletter for self-published fiction authors.