Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

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90 Days of Commitment

Mar 09, 2024

"The Facebook Ads were terrible yesterday; I should shut them down right now."

This was how I used to make decisions on our Facebook Ads; by looking at a single day's performance in isolation.

Today, the ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) of the Ads I'm currently running is something I look at over a 3-7 day period.

But as an advertising channel as a whole, I look at ROAS over a 30, 60, 90 day period an extended period of time.


Because ROAS needs one additional metric added to it for it to become meaningful and statistically significant:


Looking at your ROAS from yesterday in isolation isn't going to do you any favors.

It's too short-term.

It takes time to get traction with any new marketing or advertising channel, whatever it is.

And if you're declaring that Facebook Ads, in this case, "don't work" after a couple of weeks, that's just nowhere near enough time to make that statement.

Give it at least 90 days of committed focus before you declare to yourself that Facebook Ads don't work.

Yes, that may sound like a lot of time, but it's what you need to:

– Build confidence using the Ad platform

– Test LOTS of different Ad ideas

– Analyze the results

– Figure out what your readers like and don't like

– Understand which Ads convert and which don't

Committing to Facebook Ads (or any new marketing or advertising channel for that matter) for at least 90 days is going to put you lightyears ahead of others who try it for a few weeks, fall off the wagon and move on to the next shiny object.

Your ROAS can, and often will, look very different when you're looking at it over a 90 day period compared to a 14 day period.

So, give your Ads room to breathe, and don't do what I used to do and turn things off before they've even had a chance to get moving.

Redefine the time period you're working to with your Ads, because chances are, it will change everything, and give you the data you need to make far more informed decisions.

To Your Success
– Matt



Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

Get immediate access to my FREE Facebook Ads 101 For Authors course when you sign up for my weekly newsletter for self-published fiction authors.