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Ads Fatiguing? Try This

Apr 11, 2024

If you've had a Meta Ad performing well for a few weeks, even a few months, but recently, performance has been dropping, you could be suffering from Creative Fatigue.

In short, this is when your audience just needs a break from seeing your Ad.

You'll tend to experience Creative Fatigue when you see your Frequency (a metric in your Ads Dashboard) rise to 1.5 - 2.0 and above.

To combat this, something I'm testing at the moment is simply turning off the Ad/DCT in question for 7-14 days.

After this 7-14 day period, I'll turn the Ad/DCT back on and because the audience wouldn't have seen it for a while, performance should climb back up again.

That's the theory.

This is a tactic I heard from an advertiser a few days ago who spends $1,000,000 per month on Meta Ads, and it works well for him.

So I'm testing it out for myself to see how it performs.

You could also use this tactic if you see that a DCT (Dynamic Creative Test) in your Campaign is sucking up all the spend (assuming you're using Advantage Campaign Budget).

Other DCTs (Dynamic Creative Tests) in the Campaign get a chance to earn some spend because the "big spender" is having a break.

To Your Success
– Matt 



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