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Do We Need To Run Our Own Ads?

Mar 01, 2024

With Meta automating more and more aspects of our Ad Campaigns (predominantly, the targeting and placements), are the days of running our own Ads numbered?

Personally, I don't think so.

Yes, the AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools, such as Midjourney, ChatGPT, Claude, DALL·E 3, are incredible.

Yes, Meta is now suggesting ideas for our Primary Text when we're building Ads.

Yes, there is also talk of Meta's AI creating images for our Ads.

All of this is hugely exciting and offers a LOT of opportunity and scope for advertisers.

But, if there was ever a more important time to add a human touch to our advertising, it's now.

There is a huge amount of AI-generated content out there, and I use it myself when creating Ads.

But... I use AI as a tool; it's never the finished product.

Even with AI-generated images, I still do some work on these images in Photoshop before I use them in any Ads.

But at the heart of advertising, is truly understanding who your readers are, and the desires of those readers.

Once you know this information, that's when AI truly comes into its own.

Until then though, it takes a human to understand another human. That can't (yet) be replaced by AI.

So, if you're struggling to create Ads, or think you've run out of ideas for your Ads, take a step back and take the time to research your ideal readers:

– Who are they?

– Where are they?

– What do they look for in books like yours?

– Are there tropes in your genre that they don't like?

– What specifically draws readers to your books?

– Which other authors do your readers enjoy reading?

– Are there specific books or series in your genre that readers enjoy?

Take the time to dive as deep as you can into understanding as much as you can about your readers.

All of this information you collect (as a human), combined with AI tools, will help you craft better and better Ads.

AI is incredibly exciting, but for me, it's just a tool, and can't replace the very human connection we need to build Ads that speak to our ideal readers.

Just my two cents.

To Your Success
– Matt



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