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Facebook Ads Not Working For You?

Feb 24, 2024

I've seen a lot of discussions going on recently about Facebook Ads not working.

So today, I thought I'd share my experience of why this happens.

First of all, we can't control everything, as I covered in a recent newsletter here.

The market, the economy, the weather... all these factors (outside of our control) can and do affect the performance of our Ads.

But what you can control is your Ad Creative.

And the work you put into crafting your Ad Creative.

Earlier this week, I spent 3.5 hours researching the world of fantasy books and fantasy readers, on a deeper level than I've ever done before.

The reason I'm doing this is to help me create some new Ads I'm putting together for Lori's books.

I want to introduce some diversification into the Ads I'm creating. Try things I've never tried before.

If you're interested in this research process, I'll be creating a whole new module about it inside Jumpstart Facebook Ads For Authors over the next 1-2 months.

As I'm sure you know by now if you've been receiving these emails for any length of time, I use Unrestricted Targeting with my Facebook Ads, meaning, I only target:

– Location

– Gender

– Age

Nothing else.

This allows me to get out of the way of the Facebook Ads algorithm and let it find my audience for me.

How does it do that?

By analyzing 1,000's of data points inside the Ad creative itself.

So, if your Ads aren't working, it comes down to your Ads not being up to the job of channelling desire onto your books.

You're not making your books desirable enough for people to want to spend money (and time) on them.

Or you're just plain targeting the wrong people with your Ads.

How do you combat this?

By truly understanding what your ideal reader is looking for in a book.

And this knowledge comes from research.

The 3.5 hours I spent earlier this week researching the world of fantasy readers has been eye-opening.

I've picked up so many ideas and insights I would never, ever have thought of myself.

I now have all this data and insight into what fantasy readers actually want from a fantasy book.

Creating Ads that speak to your ideal reader is all you need to do.

It's simple, but it's most certainly not easy.

And keep in mind, as I've said many times before, most of your Ads will flop, but that's ok.

You don't need 100's of Ads to see success with Facebook Ads.

If you find the right Ad, you can spend $10,000's on it, with a very healthy return. Yes, $10,000's on one single Ad.

It's just a matter of finding that Ad.

And the way you find it... research and testing.

Onwards and upwards.

To Your Success
– Matt



Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

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