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Facebook Ads Targeting is Overrated

Mar 12, 2024

I used to obsess over the Detailed Targeting of our Facebook Ads.

I had lists of audiences I wanted to test and kept logs of the performance of every audience I did test.

It wasn't until I realized Detailed Targeting was actually cannibalizing our results, at the end of 2022, that I decided to get out of Meta's way.

Detailed Targeting throttles whom Meta can show your Ads to.

When you remove the Detailed Targeting, Meta has free reign on who to show your Ads to – with one caveat...

It uses your Ads themselves to do the targeting.

The content of your Ads.

The image, the video, the headline, the primary text, even the website URL you're sending people to.

10,000's of data points to create your audience for you.

So, instead of obsessing over Detailed Targeting (something Meta is now "hiding" from us), focus on:

#1: Improving your Ads (that speak to your ideal readers)

#2: Improving your Book Product Page

Leave the targeting to Meta and get out of their algorithm's way.

You'll see far better results if you do.

To Your Success
– Matt 



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