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Focus on This With Your Ads

Feb 15, 2024

Facebooks Ads are now less about the technical and more about the strategy.

Even 18-24 months ago, Detailed Targeting was where most advertisers focused (myself included).

But fast forward to today and you'll see little to no long-term progress or scalability by testing Detailed Targeting audiences.

In fact, as I'm sure you've noticed, Meta are now hiding Detailed Targeting audiences; they don't want you to use them.

Meta wants you to use Advantage+ Audiences (not something I recommend based on all my testing; I suggest sticking to Unrestricted Targeting; Location, Age and Gender).

Advantage+ Audiences and Unrestricted Targeting work similarly, in that they rely on the algorithm, AI and machine learning to find your audience.

I've just found that Unrestricted Targeting allows for stronger, long-term results and scalability because it targets a colder audience.

Whereas Advantage+ Audiences tend to focus on warmer audiences.

It's the same with Placements; Meta wants you to use Advantage+ Placements (this is something I do recommend using).

So, with all this technical stuff (technical term) being handled by Meta, where do you focus your time as an advertiser?

On the biggest lever you can pull: The Ad Creative.

Meta are now doing all the heavy lifting for you.

Your job is to simply craft Ads.

Now, this is no mean feat, by any means.

Finding high-performing Ads is hard, and it's going to take a lot of testing.

But providing you're:

– Focusing on the image/video as this has the biggest impact on your results

– Doing the research (something I covered in this newsletter)

– Calling out your ideal audience (readers) in your Ads

You can't go far wrong.

And keep in mind that most of your Ads will flop.

But that's ok because you only need 1-3 Ads to scale as high as you want to scale.

You don't need to run 100's of Ads to succeed.

You got this.

To Your Success
– Matt



Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

Get immediate access to my FREE Facebook Ads 101 For Authors course when you sign up for my weekly newsletter for self-published fiction authors.