Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

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Struggling To Scale?

Jan 31, 2024

Today's email will be a quick one, as I've got a full day of filming ahead for The Direct Sales Blueprint For Authors course (join the waitlist here).

If you're struggling to scale your Facebook Ads profitably, I would first look at the Frequency column in your Facebook Ads Dashboard.

If you're following the strategy I lay out inside Jumpstart Facebook Ads For Authors, look at the Frequency at the Ad Set level for each DCT (Dynamic Creative Test).

Frequency tells you how many times, on average, people are seeing your Ad.

A Frequency of 1.0 means people are seeing your Ad once, on average, over the selected timeframe.

A Frequency of 1.5 means 50% of people are seeing your Ad twice, on average.

Whereas a Frequency of 2.0 means 100% of people are seeing your Ad twice on average.

Even with Unrestricted Targeting (Location, Age and Gender only), Facebook will be retargeting for you, so there's no need to spend money on separate Retargeting Campaigns.

If your Frequency is over 1.5 - 2.0, and you can't seem to scale up profitably, that's why.

You're hitting the same audience again and again with the same Ad.

The solution?

Create Ads that appeal to a broader audience.

This gives Facebook a bigger pool of people to show your Ads to, lowering your Frequency and your costs, and increasing the number of new people you're reaching.

One final tip...

When looking at Frequency, look at it over the past 7 days. That's the leading indicator.

If you're still struggling to scale up profitably though, look at your Frequency over the past 30 days too, as it could be considerably higher over that timeframe.

Right, got to run. Kids are waking up, it's daycare today, and I've got a course to build.

To Your Success
– Matt



Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

Get immediate access to my FREE Facebook Ads 101 For Authors course when you sign up for my weekly newsletter for self-published fiction authors.