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The First Place I Go For Facebook Ads Ideas

Mar 08, 2024

Staring at a blank page when trying to create your first, or next Facebook Ads is tough.

I've been there.

So how do you get your creative juices flowing and where do you find inspiration?

The first place I'll go is always the Facebook Ads Library.

In here, you can search for Ads from any business on the planet that is advertising on Meta.

In our case, you can search for the name of an author (e.g. Lori Holmes), or you can simply search for keywords (e.g. fantasy fiction).

I'll look for Ads in the Ads Library that have been running for at least 1-3 months.

Chances are, if an Ad has been running this long, it's performing well for the advertiser.

Here's a sample of what I'm analyzing in the Ads I look at:

– Are they using an image or a video?

– What hook are they using in the image/video?

– What specifically is in the image or video?

– Does the image or video on its own make me want to click on the Ad?

– What drew me to the image or video?

– Are they promoting an offer in the image or video?

– Is the offer mentioned in the headline?

– Are they using a short or long piece of Primary Text?

– Is the Primary Text enticing me to click on the Ad?

All sorts of questions come up as I analyze Ads in the Ads Library.

I'm putting myself in the shoes of a reader, and simply forming a hypothesis around what makes this a good or a bad Ad.

I'm then using this as inspiration and sometimes, a framework for our own Ads.

It's important to note here, that I'm not copying Ads.

I'm simply using the Ads Library as a way to get my creative juices flowing and opening myself up to new ways of doing things, new ideas, new possibilities that I may otherwise have never thought of.

But it's not just the publishing world I look at in the Ads Library.

I also look at brands outside of the publishing world altogether and see what sort of Ads they're running.

When we're so absorbed in the publishing world, and get tunnel vision of only ever looking at Ads for books, we can severely limit ourselves.

So, think about brands you follow, you engage with, you've purchased from...

What drew you to them in the first place?

What is it about their brand, their Ads, their products or services that you enjoy?

Ultimately, it all comes down to knowing what the desires are of your readers and channelling those desires onto your books.

There's no need to reinvent the wheel a lot of the time.

Understand what's already working and adapt it to fit your books, and your readers.

To Your Success
– Matt 



Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

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