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You Can't Scale Chaos

Mar 19, 2024

Scaling is all about doing more of what's working.

Doubling down on what's got you to where you are.

But, when things are working well in your author business, it can be tempting to start adding more stuff:

– More Revenue Streams

– More Ad Platforms

– More Social Media

– More Books

– More Series

– A Small Team

This is all very exciting, don't get me wrong.

But the problem I see with this personally, is that you can't scale chaos.

And when you start adding all this stuff to your business, it adds a layer of complexity which makes things trickier to grow (scale).

A simple business on the other hand is easy to scale.

It's amazing when authors reach the six-figure mark, as they've clearly had a lot of drive to get to this place,

Building this sort of business doesn't happen by accident; it's very intentional.

But it's this drive that is often responsible for the more, more, more attitude, of adding more complexity into the business, whether it's intentional or not.

I agree that more revenue streams are a great thing, as they create diversity in your income.

But can you make these revenue streams as hands-off as possible?

Same with Ad platforms; not relying on one platform is great for diversity, but managing more than 2 platforms is when things can start getting cumbersome to manage.

So, before you start something new in your author business, whatever it is, my advice is to assess how much additional time you believe it's going to add to your days, your weeks, and your months.

What other resources will you need? More money? More time? Someone to look after it for you? Will you need a course or coaching to learn how to do this new thing?

Rather than jumping head first into something, I like to give myself a 24-hour period to mull things over and think about how this new thing will look in our schedule once we commit.

Believe it or not, more rarely results in more. Less is what results in more.

I'll leave you with a quote I've heard a lot over the past year that really resonates with me:

Don't do more. Do less, but do it better.

To Your Success
– Matt



Learn How To Run Facebook Ads And Build A Six-Figure Author Business

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